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Showing posts from October, 2015

Treatment of Dyslexia

Dyslexia can be substantially compensated for with proper therapy, training, and equipment.  Only traditional educational remedial techniques have any record of improving the reading ability of those identified with dyslexia.  Treatment Remedial efforts focusing on phonological awareness training  can improve reading skills. For example  breaking words into their basic sounds. And rearranging these sounds to produce different words.  Early intervention The earlier the phonological regimen is taken on, the better the overall result.  Visual stress reduction There is evidence that colored lenses, any visual training, or similar proposed treatments may be of use. It will depend on the phonological and visual components of the particular patient’s problem. Via

Stop being derailed

How I keep on track, and not loose cool thoughts as they happen. You need. An extra price of paper and a writing tool. Label it with the date and the title, 'side track'. Place it to the side of your main work.    Why? I often loose focus. My mind wanders and wants to explore new and fresh ideas. This is an amazing asset. To think of new ideas easily and freely.  Yet this can eat into your productivity. Stops you accomplishing your main goals. And may cause unescesary stress.  Yet, all you I need is a piece of paper to keep myself back on track. When I start work I often have those 'aha moments. But this creates a conflict.  I want to complete my main task. And stay on track. I know completing the work I set out to do is the best way to move ahead. But I also want to explore that new idea. Who knows where it may lead, right? How? I take the new thought and note it separately. I put this on my sidetrack. I place shopping, errands, thoughts, projects, social media ideas, what