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Showing posts from 2022

Practical advice for Neurodiverse Planning a course and marketing it

In this video, I show how to plan effectively when you have short-term memory problems. This technique can effectively take small ideas and build long-form content in a manageable way. And similarly used that content to market the larger video, course, or book. The system is quite flexible and connects planning and execution well. You can uses paper, digital, a kanban board or post-its. You may find that Trello will make your life easier, or have an erasable medium. As youtube is new to me please give me some feedback to help me improve. Thanks in advance.

DEFY ABUSE: Simple rules to resist abuse

Being Nuerodiverse can mean that you are the target of abuse or that you are not aware enough to avoid it. My Youtube video may help you avoid abuse. Avoid it by making connections, speaking up, being visible and not being embarrassed. I hope this helps. Your feedback and comments are welcome.

Why do I have a neurodiversity diagram on my twitter

My life has been shaped by my neurodiversity. Diagnosed Dyslexic, ADHD inattentive and going through ASD diagnosis. I discovered this diagram shortly after I was made homeless in 2013. I started this disability blog  you are reading and my Twitter , to help others with their disabilities. The neurodiverse and design It is the visual nature and compartmentalization, which make this picture so attractive to me. In my underemployed days, I have been chiefly in the design arena. I worked for an architecture firm designing Tesco carparks. As a web designer and marketing manager for a PPE company. I have been an email designer for many sales companies. And all through those and others, I have loved design. And this simple design says a lot, all described below. Dyspraxia DCD What is dyspraxia? Difficulties with planning movements, co-ordination and practical tasks as well as tracking and balance, poor spatial awareness and muscle tone What is DCD? Also known as dyspraxia, Development Coordin