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Showing posts from March, 2017

Working Memory Hacks

In dyslexia, frontal brain trauma, and depression, working memory is reduced. Working memory is the short-term memory we use to hold a list, a conversation and remember what to do when we go upstairs. Tony Buzan the great memory scientist, inventor of Mind Mapping and expert on the brain, memory, speed reading, creativity, and innovation says that there is really no limit to how much we can store in our minds. This is because the mind can form as many as 30 times the population of the world, in as many connections. We just need a way to train it. With poor working memory, we need to " Improvise, adapt and overcome ” (US Marine Corps motto). Improvise : do we as dyslexics get our creativity from constantly having to rewrite the book on what we do. Improvisation is certain my core strength. As a person with dyslexia, I have learned that we must make sure our outputs equal our desired outcome. are alligned with our outcome. Adapt : With self-development, we can learn to u