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Showing posts from February, 2017

Structuring Written content for dyslexics

How can you easily structure any written content Did you know W. B. Yeats is one of the most famous poets of all time, winning the  Nobel Prize for literature in 1923 , but few people know about his personal struggle with dyslexia. I want to continue telling you about my personal struggle and how I achieving success with dyslexia. My daughter at 7 was and still is a prolific reader. And she reads books above her age group. Well she has an advanced vocabulary too, partly because of this and also she liked to talk "at" adults. She is dyslexic. I was struggling with her daughter to help her complete her homework about a year ago. It was to complete a nocturnal animals report. She had read 6 books and could tell me all about the animals in detail. But she did not know where to start. It seems strange to me that kids are not shown how to plan and make the homework. And of course without structure, she began to fail. Homework When I brought the sub

Cure Dyslexia

Cure dyslexia Hi, Neurodiverse. I'm looking into how I can improve dyslexia for free. I'm not a qualified in anything that makes a current different to the diagnosis and assistance given to dyslexics in the UK. But i'd like to change that. And I hope to give it a good try, as people notice what works. Dyslexics can bend it like Beckham , and not everything written is a sign of intelligence, or value. I am doing this for myself and the dyslexic community. In the UK there is not enough done to help dyslexics succeed. The hidden disability is protected and you can't discriminate openly for have the disability. But it's not easy to get and keep a job. I don't have £2000 for the Dore program, which is closed. But I have a Personal training level 3 qualification, and dyslexia diagnosed on my postgraduate course. I am pretty good at putting things together, all be it slowly, and it helps to have a dyslexia blog . But I have found that others do make consider