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I keep getting these terrible headaches. How do I stop them?

For a while, I suffered from persistent, recurrent headaches that only taking Nurofen could shift. I found my headaches came down to a few things.

  • Lack of rest, especially the eyes,
  • Dirty glasses
  • Lighting coming from behind the tv/monitor, a bit like an eclipse

The brain
  • Lack of water, drink water without crap in it. Crap = flavours, additives etc.
  • Caffeine withdrawal, caffeine pills
  • Alcohol dries out the brain, drink more water

The body
  • Poor posture, sit upright adjust your keyboard monitor, seat properly, and foot rest
  • Take regular breaks, from working
  • Get the right amount of sleep for you. Varies between 6 - 10 hours because of age, gender, and recent activity

It took me months to clear all the crap out of the system.

The biggest threat to my brain was my favourite fizzy orange drink. When I really had a look at the back I was surprised to see so many e numbers it made my head spin.

I now don’t use Nurofen or get crippling migraines.

Please note: This is not medical advice. I am not a doctor.

Something that will help your doctor is a little diary of when and where these headaches occur. Also along side, this put the severity and length of a headache.

The doctor likes evidence like this.

Good luck.


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