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What’s so appealing about fast food?

Often fast food is only the food available for those on a low income, especially when there are no or little cooking facilities at home/work.

But why it is so appealing, is probably down to its addictive nature.

Fast food had been bioengineered to be addictive. And even though that sounds scary we wonder why are we allowed to buy it.

40 years of research and lobbying by food companies has reduced the bar for what we call food.

  • Coke can dissolve a tooth left in it overnight
  • Coke can clean a toilet
  • Ketchup can clean a coin
  • A burger left to it’s all one never rots
  • Twinkies don't rot

There are many other scare stories that mean that what we eat isn’t actually food out even natural.

Yes there are food guidelines:

Laughably they are produced with the help of food companies. One such pregnancy NHS caffeine guide says:
Five cans of cola (up to 40mg each)
But the pregnancy NHS sugar guide means you shouldn’t even have one can of coke.

Why are these thing so misleading even for the experts in charge of our health?

Although there are healthy foods being grown, these do not translate to immediate profits for corporations. These profits do not translate into the food industry and goverment. People following them still get ill and die.

There was a time when smoking was thought to be healthy. The same researchers and industry also looked into other addictions.

They found combined fats, sugars and salt in unique ways, was addictive. It enabled them to extend shelf life and reduce the expensive healthy ingredients. Most ingredients are produced in a lab.


Gave you an instant rush. The white bread, sauces, and drinks are sugar based.


The added fat carries taste on the tongue and are linked to satisfaction, and should make you feel full. However, although the trans fats carry taste they do not satisfy for long lengths as normal fats.


In increased amounts preserves and adds flavour. It also makes you thirsty. (remember the free salty beer nuts trick to make you buy more beer)

These are all sold as a meal which costs less to produce that real food and will get you addicted.

It get you addicted because it tastes nice and make you feel good, like drugs.

But it lacks all the necessary macro and micro nutrients to make you feel satisfied.
  • No fibre to keep you full
  • No real fat to satisfy your appetite
  • No water to satiate your thirst

A tripple threat to keep you coming back for more.

They also use chemicals that stop the breakdown of your food naturally Burgers from fast food chains have been shown to never go off. They just turn black.

This food is still around because is has become part of the furniture, part of our society. But it is a silent and deadly killer.

Avoid at all costs.

I believe it is as dangerous as a prescribed drug. Ask anyone who has tried to give up fast food and you will see why.

Will you give it up for a week and see how far your get after that?

If you are in the world of the obese, unexplained cancers and symptoms; then you are probably eating fast food

Remember fast food is not restricted to the high street. Fast food can be cooked in your home. Oven chip, microwave burgers, comfort food in all its disguises can strike.

Many make their own death cocktail by adding too much salt, sugar and fat.

Fast food is appealing at first because its tastes nice, but pretty soon the slow drip feed takes its toll.

It’s slow acting but can be reversed. Take action now. Avoid fast food.


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