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Business Strategies for Dyslexic Entrepreneurs

Dyslexics Entrepreneurs excel at big picture thinking, leadership and communication . These traits are perfect for Leadership positions, like CEOs, Directors, etc. However, promotion to these roles is only likely through achievement or attrition. Signs of achievement are often based on linear strengths some dyslexics do not have. People with linear skills excel in corporate structures and other institutions, including school.  However having dyslexia means that some weaknesses, like lack of detail, structuring reports, nonlinear thinking will never see you being promoted to jobs you would naturally excel at. It makes no sense to me to recruit a leader base on non-leadership skills. Here is your Dyslexia Entrepreneurial Playbook. Dyslexia —difficulty with organisation, learning, working memory, Parker C. (1998). British Dyslexia Association handbook. Reading. 1. Delegate! This may also be linked to the trend reported in this study that dyslexics are more able

What’s so appealing about fast food?

Often fast food is only the food available for those on a low income, especially when there are no or little cooking facilities at home/work. But why it is so appealing, is probably down to its addictive nature. Fast food had been bioengineered to be addictive. And even though that sounds scary we wonder why are we allowed to buy it. 40 years of research and lobbying by food companies has reduced the bar for what we call food. Coke can dissolve a tooth left in it overnight Coke can clean a toilet Ketchup can clean a coin A burger left to it’s all one never rots Twinkies don't rot There are many other scare stories that mean that what we eat isn’t actually food out even natural. Yes there are food guidelines: Laughably they are produced with the help of food companies. One such pregnancy NHS caffeine guide says: Five cans of cola (up to 40mg each) But the pregnancy NHS sugar guide means you shouldn’t even have one can of coke.

I keep getting these terrible headaches. How do I stop them?

For a while, I suffered from persistent, recurrent headaches that only taking Nurofen could shift. I found my headaches came down to a few things. Eyestrain Lack of rest, especially the eyes, Dirty glasses Lighting coming from behind the tv/monitor, a bit like an eclipse The brain Lack of water, drink water without crap in it. Crap = flavours, additives etc. Caffeine withdrawal, caffeine pills Alcohol dries out the brain, drink more water The body Poor posture, sit upright adjust your keyboard monitor, seat properly, and foot rest Take regular breaks, from working Get the right amount of sleep for you. Varies between 6 - 10 hours because of age, gender, and recent activity It took me months to clear all the crap out of the system. The biggest threat to my brain was my favourite fizzy orange drink. When I really had a look at the back I was surprised to see so many e numbers it made my head spin. I now don’t use Nurofen or g

Working Memory Hacks

In dyslexia, frontal brain trauma, and depression, working memory is reduced. Working memory is the short-term memory we use to hold a list, a conversation and remember what to do when we go upstairs. Tony Buzan the great memory scientist, inventor of Mind Mapping and expert on the brain, memory, speed reading, creativity, and innovation says that there is really no limit to how much we can store in our minds. This is because the mind can form as many as 30 times the population of the world, in as many connections. We just need a way to train it. With poor working memory, we need to " Improvise, adapt and overcome ” (US Marine Corps motto). Improvise : do we as dyslexics get our creativity from constantly having to rewrite the book on what we do. Improvisation is certain my core strength. As a person with dyslexia, I have learned that we must make sure our outputs equal our desired outcome. are alligned with our outcome. Adapt : With self-development, we can learn to u

Structuring Written content for dyslexics

How can you easily structure any written content Did you know W. B. Yeats is one of the most famous poets of all time, winning the  Nobel Prize for literature in 1923 , but few people know about his personal struggle with dyslexia. I want to continue telling you about my personal struggle and how I achieving success with dyslexia. My daughter at 7 was and still is a prolific reader. And she reads books above her age group. Well she has an advanced vocabulary too, partly because of this and also she liked to talk "at" adults. She is dyslexic. I was struggling with her daughter to help her complete her homework about a year ago. It was to complete a nocturnal animals report. She had read 6 books and could tell me all about the animals in detail. But she did not know where to start. It seems strange to me that kids are not shown how to plan and make the homework. And of course without structure, she began to fail. Homework When I brought the sub

Cure Dyslexia

Cure dyslexia Hi, Neurodiverse. I'm looking into how I can improve dyslexia for free. I'm not a qualified in anything that makes a current different to the diagnosis and assistance given to dyslexics in the UK. But i'd like to change that. And I hope to give it a good try, as people notice what works. Dyslexics can bend it like Beckham , and not everything written is a sign of intelligence, or value. I am doing this for myself and the dyslexic community. In the UK there is not enough done to help dyslexics succeed. The hidden disability is protected and you can't discriminate openly for have the disability. But it's not easy to get and keep a job. I don't have £2000 for the Dore program, which is closed. But I have a Personal training level 3 qualification, and dyslexia diagnosed on my postgraduate course. I am pretty good at putting things together, all be it slowly, and it helps to have a dyslexia blog . But I have found that others do make consider